Starting in March, the Women’s Fellowship Group will be adding a new meeting time – the 2nd Monday of every month at 7pm in the Chapel Room. Now, women can fellowship once a month either at night (2nd Monday night) or during the morning (2nd Tuesday morning).
Also starting in March, a new study will begin for the Women’s Fellowship Groups. The two groups will begin a study of the last day of Christ through Passion, a book by Mike McKinley. Christ suffered tremendous physical and mental anguish for YOU and ME. He was betrayed, let down and ultimately crucified for YOU and ME.
Young or old, we as Christians should never be satisfied with our knowledge and daily application of God’s intentions for us. This book will challenge each one of us to look at Christ’s last day as a model to transform our every day into faithful servants in a broken world.
So mark your calendars – Monday, March 11th, at 7pm in the Chapel Room OR Tuesday, March 12th, at 10am in the Fellowship Hall! Come and enjoy meeting new women, studying the Word of God, and having a great time!
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