Bible Study In 2 Peter

We are once again meeting each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm for our Bible study in 2 Peter.  Study sheets are available on the table by the back entrance, or you may request a copy by email. We will be practicing social distancing and you will be free to use face...

All Services Have Resumed At MHPC

All services at Malvern Hills Presbyterian Church are now in full force.  We are once again meeting for Sunday School, Morning Worship and Wednesday night Bible study. We continue to practice social distancing at these gatherings and all who attend are free to wear...

Lunch with WBT Missionaries on 7/21

Missionaries Keith and Jaci Patman will be sharing with us in Sunday School (9:45 AM) and worship (11 AM) on Sunday, July 21. Keith serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators and has been instrumental in getting the Scriptures translated into key African dialects....

Bible School

Our annual VBS (Vacation Bible School) will be held Monday-Friday, July 15-19th. We are again partnering with Child Evangelism Fellowship and their Director, Jason Beverly, will be bringing the Scripture lessons on the topic of “Jesus: My Savior and...

Communion Sunday

Remember, we come to the Lord’s Table together on Sunday, June 9th. “Let us break bread together on our knees!”


The MHPC yard sale will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 7 AM- 1 PM (no early birds, please). It will be held in our Fellowship Hall, so rain or shine, come get a deal! Park in the back lot and follow the signs. Thanks!