What's Available
Sundays: Sunday Worship service at 11:00am provides an opportunity to hear Pastor Walt speak on Biblical topics relevant to today’s situations. Afterwards, meet with other members at our Chat ‘n Sip time. It’s a great way to relax with a cup of coffee while getting to know others!
Additionally, we offer 2 small group Bible studies (one for mixed adults and one for women) which meet at 9:45am. These studies are great for delving into God’s Word, but also for developing friendships!
Wednesdays: Pastor Walt brings an in depth study from the Bible, as well as singing and prayer, in a more casual setting in our Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm.
Afterwards, if you’re interested in bringing song into your life, join our choir as they practice for Sunday service and other special events at 7:30pm.
On the 1st Sunday of each month following the Worship Service there is a casual meal served in our Fellowship Hall. All are welcome and the meal is free, but donations are always welcome!